Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Misty Morning

Silence reigns outside my window
The sun beams are dimmed to a dull glow

I open my widow and look out
Mist lay all about

Hiding the neighborhood as if it had never been
Alone on another world except for the soft whisper of the wind

Light rain drops sprinkle on my face
And my mind takes wing in this mystic place

At first rolling waves crest and slowly fall
As the misty sea, my soul enthralls
Forming a moat around my island home
My castle walls are soaked my the waves gentle foam
The fog rises and falls, constantly changing
Growing thicker then think as if it were a live being

This is my kingdom, I am the Arkos
This is my paradise

My home becomes a strong castle made of lithos
Fit for any Arkos

Here my animus finds peace
While the fog wraps around me like a soft fleece

I hear horse's hooves in the distance
Silhouette horsemen come filled with menace

They want to sweep me away forever
But they shall not take me as long as I endure

Their battle horns ring and their shadowy mounts charge
They leap across my moat and my castle walls they engage

Yet as many that come forward twice as many fall
Yet still they come a determined force climbing up my wall 
They clash like a terrifying wave
Bursting against my home until they have taken me away
Gradually the mist grows lighter
And the sun's rays shine brighter

The army of misty warriors vanishes 
And my castle walls diminish

And once again I am in my neighborhood 
As the morning mist pass beyond my wood

I am saddened by its loss
But look forward to the morning when I shall once more be Arkos 

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