Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Misty Morning

Silence reigns outside my window
The sun beams are dimmed to a dull glow

I open my widow and look out
Mist lay all about

Hiding the neighborhood as if it had never been
Alone on another world except for the soft whisper of the wind

Light rain drops sprinkle on my face
And my mind takes wing in this mystic place

At first rolling waves crest and slowly fall
As the misty sea, my soul enthralls
Forming a moat around my island home
My castle walls are soaked my the waves gentle foam
The fog rises and falls, constantly changing
Growing thicker then think as if it were a live being

This is my kingdom, I am the Arkos
This is my paradise

My home becomes a strong castle made of lithos
Fit for any Arkos

Here my animus finds peace
While the fog wraps around me like a soft fleece

I hear horse's hooves in the distance
Silhouette horsemen come filled with menace

They want to sweep me away forever
But they shall not take me as long as I endure

Their battle horns ring and their shadowy mounts charge
They leap across my moat and my castle walls they engage

Yet as many that come forward twice as many fall
Yet still they come a determined force climbing up my wall 
They clash like a terrifying wave
Bursting against my home until they have taken me away
Gradually the mist grows lighter
And the sun's rays shine brighter

The army of misty warriors vanishes 
And my castle walls diminish

And once again I am in my neighborhood 
As the morning mist pass beyond my wood

I am saddened by its loss
But look forward to the morning when I shall once more be Arkos 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Shadow of the Cross

At the drowsy dusk when the shadows creep
From the golden west, where the sunbeams sleep,

An angel mused: "Is there good or ill
In the mad world's heart, since on Calvary's hill

'Round the cross a mid-day twilight fell
That darkened earth and o'ershadowed hell?"

Through the streets of a city the angel sped;
Like an open scroll men's hearts he read.

In a monarch's ear his courtiers lied
And humble faces hid hearts of pride.

Men's hate waxed hot, and their hearts grew cold,
As they haggled and fought for the lust of gold.

Despairing, he cried, "After all these years
Is there naught but hatred and strife and tears?"

He found to waifs in an attic bare;
-A single crust was their meager far--

One strove to quiet the others cries,
And the love-light dawned in her famished eyes

As she kissed the child with a motherly air:
"I don't need mine, you can have my share."

Then the angel knew that the earthly cross
And the sorrow and shame were not wholly loss.

At dawn, when hushed was earth's busy hum
And men looked not for their Christ to come,

From the attic poor to the palace grand,
The King and beggar went hand in hand.

By John McCrae who was a Lieutenant Colonel in World War I

Friday, March 25, 2011

By The Fireside : Sand Of The Desert In An Hour-Glass

A handful of red sand, from the hot clime
Or Arab desert bought,
Within this glass becomes the spy of Time,
The minister of Thought.

How many weary centuries has it been
About those deserts blown!
How many strange vicissitudes has seen,
How many histories known!

Perhaps the camels of the Ishmaelite
Trampled and passed it o'er,
When into Egypt from the patriarch's sight
His favorite son they bore.

Perhaps the feet of Moses, burnt and bare,
Crushed it beneath their tread;
Or Pharaoh's flashing wheels into the air
Scattered is they sped;

Or Mary, with the Christ of Nazareth
Held close in her caress,
Whose pilgrimage of hope and love and faith
Illumed the wilderness;

Or anchorites beneath Engaddi's palms
Pacing the Dead Sea beach,
And singing slow their old Armenian psaml's
In half-articulate speech;

Or caravans, that from Bassora's gate
With westward steps depart;
Or Mecca's pilgrims, confident of Fate,
And resolute in heart!

These have passed over it, or may have passed!
Now in this crystal tower
Imprisoned by some curious hand at last
It counts the passing hour.

And as I gaze, these narrow walls expand;

Before my dreamy eye
Stretches the desert with its shifting sand,
Its unimpeded sky.

And borne aloft by the sustaining blast,
This golden thread
Dilates into a column high and vast,
A form of fear and dread.

And onward, and across the setting sun,
Across the boundless plain,
The column and its broader shadow run,

Till thought pursues in vain.
The vision vanishes!These walls again
Shut out the lurid sun,
Shut out the hot, immeasurable plain;
The half-hour's sand is run!

By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How Can We

How can we beings meant for eternity
Deal with the lose of death

How can we every day continue to be
When in our hearts such pain is felt

How can we who need unity
Deal with the pain when suddenly one is gone

How can we stay when all we want to do is flee
To turn back time to when you were still here among us

The tears come and flow
In a river of sorrow down my cheeks

To were shall we run, were shall we go
When we realize that we truly are so weak

Oh Lord bring us comfort
And meet us here

Be our stronghold, our fort
Be with us as we mourn the lose of one so dear

I ask that You be with us and comfort us with Your presence
Walk with us through each day

I pray that when we also come to stand before Your throne forever hence
That he shall be standing right beside You to welcome us in after we have walked our way

By Kalyn Hassoldt

Dance it Away

I can feel the music inside me
Breaking forth in song
Without bounds or chains, it is free
I can feel it in the grass that grows so long

Music is a part of my soul
It helps me keep my sanity
It brings together my heart and makes it whole
When it has been dashed by humanity

I have seen things no child should see
I have been places no one should go
I have seen humanity
In its ugliest show

My eyes grow dim from the things I carry
I am so young and yet so old
And that shall always be a part of me
Yet maybe one day it shall no longer have a hold on my soul

I have been stripped of everything I once held dear
My life is now lived out in a camp for refugees
My childhood has been taken away from me by fear
We are the one's the world ignores, but whom everyone pities 

Our hearts rise in an endless question to the heavens 
Why did this happen to us? Why does no one stop it?
We are beaten and raped by men 
That devour like a fire when lit 
Did I deserve this Father?
Was I so sinful from my birth 
That You saw fit to take away my sister, my brother?
Why was I given life on this earth?

I do not understand
Why You let these men come into our lives 
They tear, they rip open the land 
And then like bees, with all our treasures, they return to their hives 

Only to come back again, and again 
Do You not have an explanation?
Can You tell me why we are treated this way by men?
Why war and famine have destroyed out nation?

I dance as the sun sets blood red 
All the pain and sorrow I have seen are expressed through my body 
I go were my soul is lead 
And were my heart takes me 

To the river flowing fast across the land 
Down by the villages and past the huts 
Up to the top of the mountains stretching up for the sun's hand 
Weaving through the children playing with their mutt 

Slowly weeping across the bodies on the ground 
Cowering as the bombs and shells go flying in the air 
Being soaked by tears streaming down from the sky to fall on all the mounds 
That the land must bear 

The sun disappears beyond the horizon, yet still the music plays on 
The moon rises and touches the lions were they lay 
Yet still I dance for the feelings that burn in my soul are never gone 
Yet maybe if I stay, and let the world spin on around me, I can dance all the pain away

 By Kalyn Hassoldt

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Beauty is seen
In the sunlight,
The trees, the birds,
Corn growing and people working 
Or dancing for their harvest.

Beauty is heard
In the night,
Wind sighing, rain falling,
Or a singer chanting
Anything in earnest.

Beauty is in yourself.
Good deeds, happy thoughts
That repeat themselves 
In your dreams,
In your work,
 And even in your rest. 

Poem By E-Yeh-Shure
We cannot kindle when we will
The fire which in the heart resides,
The spirit bloweth and is still,
In mystery our soul abides;
But tasks in hours of insight will'd
Can be through hours of gloom fulfill'd. 

By Unknown

Monday, March 21, 2011


Father, I sit and listen as outside the storm rages
I listen not at the storm as would others 
For in it I hear You, I hear You speak of Your love for me 
I sit in all this splendor and beauty, I hear the power of the storm 
The rain beats down and each drop seems to say
Can you not see how great I am, the love I have for you

In the storm I feel His might, and catch a glimpse of His heart
Oh, a God that created such a place, a place such as this
A God whose might rages forth in this storm
The rain pounds down, the wind blows through the trees
In my soul I feel the greatness of it all. 

And as the waves break on the shore so does His love on my heart 
This storm rages on outside, but in me too does it rage
And in my soul I wonder, how can I survive this might of His 
 A God whose rage is such, but also whose love is just as great
A place such as  this and I this storm its Him I see 

I ask of Him, your majesty, your mystery, sow to me
When all along it was there to see, in this beauty He has brought me to
But it took such a place as this and in this storm for me to see
 But see I do, His Majesty, His Mystery, His love for me

The beauty all around, the storm rages on 
But oh, my soul is quietly senses the peace within
I hear it howl outside as the wind blows the trees and the sea
Bit in my heart I know it is only God speaking to me
My majesty, my mystery don't you see
And in this storm I do, His love, His power I see

Poem by Henry King

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Welcome one and all!
To my poetry for all!

Where words are transformed into story
Whisking us away to worlds imaginary

Welcome one and all!
Whether it be winter, spring, summer or fall!

Here the weather never affects were you travel
As you dive into the years well

Where such great artist such as Robert Frost and Longfellow's
Works of art forever flow

So Welcome one and all!